Situation Analysis of the Artisanal Diamond Mining in the Western Region of Liberia

Situation Analysis of the Artisanal Diamond Mining in the Western Region of Liberia

Diamonds for Peace (DFP) had conducted the field survey in the western region of Liberia from August 2016 to March 2017 to assess the local reality of the artisanal diamond mining for the purpose of project design and compiled the results as situation analysis. Followed by the publication of report…

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Traditional wedding in LIberia

Traditional Wedding in Liberia with Winston as Example

Under Liberian law, there are two types of marriages; Traditional/customary and statutory. A man under the traditional laws may contract multiple marriages according to traditions and customs. These marriages are legitimate and solemn under Liberian law. A traditional marriage ceremony includes the presentment of dowry to the bride’s family. In…

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Diamond Diggers in Liberia

Interaction with Miner and Diggers in Margibi County, Liberia

In April 2016, Diamonds for Peace coordinator in Liberia visited a diamond mining site in Anderson Village on the Bong Mine Road in Margibi County. He talked with a miner and three diamond diggers to understand the way they work and live, and whether they are involved in other activities…

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