Event Report on TICAD7 Side Event “Symposium on the Artisanal Diamond Mining in West Africa”

On the last day of the Tokyo International Conference on African Development (TICAD7) 30th August 2019 in Yokohama, Diamonds for Peace (DFP) held an official side event called “Symposium on the Artisanal Diamond Mining in West Africa”. The audience at the event was filled with Japanese and African government officials,…

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Newsletter “The Journey” vol.2 published!

Greetings! Diamonds for Peace (DFP) publishes the newsletter “The Journey” to share the latest information, progress, plan and challenges with its supporters. I’m pleased to announce that we have published vol.2 last month. The digital version of The Journey is now available online. You can download it from: http://diamondsforpeace.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/The-Journey2.pdf We’d…

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Diamond Diggers in Liberia

Interaction with Miner and Diggers in Margibi County, Liberia

In April 2016, Diamonds for Peace coordinator in Liberia visited a diamond mining site in Anderson Village on the Bong Mine Road in Margibi County. He talked with a miner and three diamond diggers to understand the way they work and live, and whether they are involved in other activities…

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