We publish newsletters, reports and IEC materials to share our work and experiences to achieve our vision and mission.


Newsletter “The Journey”

Each issue has a featured story, updates on the ground and on Diamonds for Peace. If you’d like to receive a printed copy, please fill out your mailing address in the form.

The download starts automatically when you click the links below.

vol. 8 (June 2024)  New!

Vol. 7 (April 2023)

Vol. 6 (June 2022)

Vol. 5 (September 2021)

Vol.4 (November 2020)

Vol.3 (June 2020)

Vol.2 (August 2019)

Vol.1 (June 2018)


Report: The Awareness of Japanese Consumers and Diamond Jewelry Companies about Issues in the Diamond Industry, Analysis from Surveys in 2017and 2021. (October 2022)


Voices from the Mine: Artisanal diamonds and resource governance in Sierra Leone” produced by Bath University in U.K. with Japanese subtitle added by Diamonds for Peace

Workshop Materials

  • Facilitator’s Guide and Handouts for Health Workshop focusing on Hand Washing Convened in Liberia from March – April 2021


Featured Articles