PAMCOS selects new leaders in a democratic election

PAMCOS members photo


Pampaya Multipurpose Cooperative Society (PAMCOS) is a cooperative of artisanal miners and subsistence farmers that was started in 2019. At that time, the members of PAMCOS realized that they had common problems and so they agreed to work together to address their common issues in order to improve their lives. PAMCOS is situated in Camp Alpha Town, Kongba District in Gbarpolu County in Liberia. However, although PAMCOS was established a while ago, it has not yet received the full-fledged cooperative status required to be recognized by the Liberian government. The reason for this is because of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020 which had negative social and economic impacts on its members and the entire Camp Alpha community. It was not until 2022 that the members resumed working together and requested the assistance of NGO Diamonds for Peace (DFP) to help them obtain the necessary status.

Having a democratically elected leaders (board of directors) is one of the primary pre-requisites to obtaining the full-fledged cooperative status. PAMCOS had issue with this condition, because unfortunately they had not been able to hold elections consistent with the PAMCOS’ original bylaws which state that elections should be held every two years. In part due to the Covid Pandemic, following the first general elections in 2019, they finally held another election in January 2025 with DFP’s support.

The elections details and results

In January 2025, the members of PAMCOS selected a new group of leaders through a democratic election for the first time in five years. The elections of PAMCOS’ board of directors were supervised by the Cooperative Development Agency (CDA), which is the government institution that has the mandate to form and supervise all cooperative activities in Liberia; therefore, under the direct supervision of the CDA and the watchful eyes of DFP, PAMCOS conducted a democratic and peaceful election that brought a new set of leaders on board to lead PAMCOS’ towards achieving its goals.

For the successful conduct of the election, a three member election committee was set up to run the elections affairs. As required by democracy, the election commission declared the following positions vacant, and opened room for interested and qualified candidates to apply to fill those positions.

  • Chairperson
  • Co-Chairperson
  • Recording/General secretary
  • Financial secretary; and
  • Treasurer

In order to create a level playing field for every qualified member to have the leverage to run for any of the vacant positions, the commission declared a free registration for all the positions. However, for each of the five positions mentioned above, only one candidate applied respectively. Therefore, each of the candidates that applied for the five positions did not have a challenger, so they all won the elections on white ballot, although there were twenty one qualified voters. The commission declared all the unchallenged candidates as winners of their respective positions, and the commission’s decision was supported by the CDA and DFP. The elected officials’ names are listed below.

  • John: Chairperson;
  • Idrisa: Co-chairperson;
  • Robert: General secretary;
  • Augustine: Financial Secretary; and
  • Fannia: Treasurer.

The occasion to induct the elected officials is planned to take place in February 2025.

Photo of elected officials
The elected officials with the exception of the chairperson, posted for a photo following their victory in the elections.

Elected officials’ testimonies

John (chairperson elect)

I am a founding member of this cooperative, and I worked as the co-chairperson for five years. As the co-chairperson, I represented PAMCOS in crucial programs most of the time. Therefore, my election to the chairperson position is welcoming because I believe I have everything it takes to lead PAMCOS effectively. I thank all the members for trusting in my ability to lead PAMCOS as the chairperson, and I can assure them that their confidence will not be betrayed.

Photo of John
John after a day work at his mine

Idrisa (Co-chairperson elect)

I am one of the founding members of this cooperative; I have been a member trying to contribute to the success of the cooperative. I honestly didn’t have an intention to contest for the co-chairperson position because I wanted to make another member the co-chairperson. Unfortunately, he declined to stand for the position, so I had no other option but to put myself up to fill the position. Although I am not literate, I believe I have wisdom to ably assist the chairperson to run the affairs of the cooperative.

Winning this position on a white ballot makes me feel that confidence is reposed in me by the members, so I promise to give my all to help the cooperative to succeed.

Photo of Idrisa
Idrisa during the conduct of the election

Robert (General secretary elect)

I am an artisanal diamond miner and one of the founding members of this cooperative; I have been a central figure since it was started in 2019. I believe working together in a cooperative is the best way the residents of my community, who are having similar issues can navigate our ways through our existing problems and find a general and lasting solution.

I contested the general secretary position because I believe that I have the ability to contribute to the success of the cooperative through the keeping of proper records. Therefore, I intend to use my office to ensure that PAMCOS will have a proper record keeping system that can be used as reference for crucial decision making.

Photo of Robert
Robert posted for a photo while executing his secretariat duties

Augustine (Financial secretary elect)

I am a farmer; and I am one of the new members who have just joined the cooperative in January of 2025 to collaborate my efforts with others to improve the cooperative productivity. I like transparency and accountability, that is why I registered for the financial secretary position. For many years, I have observed that the control of financial recording is very crucial to the survival of any institutions; believing in my ability to properly handle financial records, I think I will make vital contribution to help PAMCOS achieve the desired goals that will bring relieve to all the members and the community.

I am overwhelmed that I was selected for the financial secretary position on a white ballot; I think it is a testimony of the members’ overwhelming approval for me to serve in this position. I promise to discharge the functions of my office to my fullest ability.

Photo of Augustine
Augustine posted for a photo

Fannia (Treasurer elect)

I am one of the founding members of PAMCOS; I joined because I want to see something good happen for the residents in this community. I am a miner and I also run a small business. I contested the treasurer position because I want to make sure that the cooperative money matters are handled in a straight, accountable and transparent way. The issue of financial malpractice is one of the most common problems that can break down institutions.

Winning the treasurer position on a white ballot makes me to feel very fine because it shows that the members believe in my honesty in handling group money. I have worked as treasurer for this community for over ten years, and for a financial saving club for over fourteen years without any financial malpractice.

I am happy that I was elected for this position; I will use my office to ensure all the money matters will be handled with accountability and transparency, in order to give the members confidence that their money is in a safe hand.

Photo of Fannia
Fannia posted for a photo


Front photo: PAMCOS members posted for a photo following the conduct of the leadership election