Weasua Cooperative – Progress and Challenges

Written by Diamonds for Peace Liberia staff in August 2019 Introduction The artisanal diamond miners in Weasua organized themselves into a multipurpose cooperative with the assistance of Diamonds for Peace Liberia (DFPL), but they are yet to gain the full-fledged cooperative status. Several cooperative members received training in cooperative formation…

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DFPL explains why the other shortlisted DMCs were not selected for the pilot project

By Diamonds for Peace Liberia staff   Introduction Following the situation analysis, Diamonds for Peace Liberia (DFPL) set criteria upon which four diamond mining communities (DMCs) in Liberia’s western region were shortlisted for a pilot project. DFPL’s coordinator conducted several follow up visits to these DMCs in order to identify…

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Artisanal diamond workers receive pre-cooperative training funded by UNMIL

Written by Diamonds for Peace Liberia staff  General feelings of miners The artisanal diamond workers are complaining about the poor conditions of their work environment and results. Major amongst the issues that affects their work are the unfair prices they receive for their recovered diamonds, as well as the lack…

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Poor Infrastructural Development in Artisanal Diamond Mining Communities with Emphasis on Weasua

Written by Diamonds for Peace Liberia Staff General overview of the artisanal diamond mining communities in Liberia Poor infrastructural development is an issue in many artisanal diamond mining communities in Liberia. The artisanal diamond workers often move from one diamond mining community to the other in search of diamonds. Therefore,…

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