Written by Diamonds for Peace Liberia staff in August 2019 Introduction The artisanal diamond miners in Weasua organized themselves into a multipurpose cooperative with the assistance of Diamonds for Peace Liberia (DFPL), but they are yet to gain the full-fledged cooperative status. Several cooperative members received training in cooperative formation…
Continue ReadingCategory: Liberia
Team Building Training Conducted in Weasua, Liberia
Working with other people in groups to achieve common goals is effective. It has lots of advantages because when people work together in a group it can be easier to overcome common challenges. The group can achieve many things and its individual members can also get benefits more than they…
Continue ReadingDFPL explains why the other shortlisted DMCs were not selected for the pilot project
By Diamonds for Peace Liberia staff Introduction Following the situation analysis, Diamonds for Peace Liberia (DFPL) set criteria upon which four diamond mining communities (DMCs) in Liberia’s western region were shortlisted for a pilot project. DFPL’s coordinator conducted several follow up visits to these DMCs in order to identify…
Continue ReadingExperience with the established cooperative in Smith Camp
Written by Diamonds for Peace Liberia staff Back ground of the cooperative In 2008 a cooperative with the name, Smith Town Mineral Multipurpose Cooperative Society, was established under the leadership of a prominent female resident of the community. The cooperative was established through the influence of a Russian mining company…
Continue ReadingArtisanal diamond workers receive pre-cooperative training funded by UNMIL
Written by Diamonds for Peace Liberia staff General feelings of miners The artisanal diamond workers are complaining about the poor conditions of their work environment and results. Major amongst the issues that affects their work are the unfair prices they receive for their recovered diamonds, as well as the lack…
Continue ReadingArtisanal Diamond Workers in Weasua Make Request for Intervention
Written by Diamonds for Peace Liberia Staff Many people in Liberia’s western region depend on artisanal diamond mining for survival, but it is clearly visible that the majority of these people are living in abject poverty. Weasua is one of Liberia’s historic diamond mining communities in which diamonds were…
Continue ReadingArtisanal Diamond Diggers in Bellekpalamu Unhappy with Current Working Conditions
Written by Diamonds for Peace Liberia Staff In the artisanal diamond mining industry in Liberia, there are several stakeholders: miner, digger, broker, supporter (financer), and dealer (exporter). The miner is the person who obtains a Class C mining license from the government to operate a mining claim. He operates…
Continue ReadingDFPL’s equipment, office furniture and motorbike
Written by Diamonds for Peace Liberia staff Diamonds for Peace Liberia is a local NGO established to promote fair diamonds, and to provide self-reliant support to the artisanal diamond workers. It has a small office in the city of Kakata, and its activities are run in Liberia (Kakata is the…
Continue ReadingPoor Infrastructural Development in Artisanal Diamond Mining Communities with Emphasis on Weasua
Written by Diamonds for Peace Liberia Staff General overview of the artisanal diamond mining communities in Liberia Poor infrastructural development is an issue in many artisanal diamond mining communities in Liberia. The artisanal diamond workers often move from one diamond mining community to the other in search of diamonds. Therefore,…
Continue ReadingDiamond Diggers in Weasua Form Diggers’ Association
Written by Diamonds for Peace Liberia Staff March 2018 A Diggers’ Association is an association consisting of a group of diamond diggers in a particular diamond mining community. Its major purpose is to allow diggers to hold regular meetings, identify issues affecting them and find ways forward to better their…
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